Tuesday, November 2, 2010

Social networks: good or bad thing?

The era of the Internet, continues its strong private no too long. one way or the other person will have to obtain from its environment. Despite the feeling isolated or partner of a person is bound by the pressure of the identity of the Internet. Social networks is not new. In the past, there are already trends which have led to what is now known as Facebook. But what we have Facebook, is the most advanced social networks from MySpace.

Today it is a question: Facebook is good or bad? If a social networking site such as the need to look into our daily lives. It is really useful for us to create an account in the social network to maintain? Currently, there are so many things to consider. Sites for social networking in General, the main aim is to improve the concentration, that people have a way in which we live."our lives, with mobility in this life, people usually every connection to the loss of knowledge occasionnelle.à using social networks, people may have now the possibility of obtaining with people, but only in the case of the familiar."

Admit it or not, Facebook can do wonders. But it is not their people afraid to be a little safety features? Information people tend to too much things off too much information. And your number is for everyone to see!Facebook is the last avenue prospérer.Vous attackers can imagine, it is from your boss on Facebook, I would like to know what you're up to these past years? And for the next fan the flame, were cases where their activity by workers Facebook removed from their workplace.

With any dilemma today in social networks is always a good thing for maintenance or is - something that should be deleted?, today it is each individual priorities and motivation to connection by sites such as Facebook, are automatically entered in to extend their control over their target consumer social networks.Whereas, in that the Internet is not only in the world of information and the theatre for communication, there is also a wide range of sites in the network world not apologized and different companies concurrentes.Si you a solution, it would be for the protection of personal data, and at the same time you want to maintain contact with other known, you will need to read more detailed information about each site privacy settings are experienced in handling parameters of confidentiality, useful information for people that you want to see photos, profile, the phone number and personal items.

Seven steps to heaven, the social network

Now Facebook has more than 250 million users worldwide and is a site that generates most of the traffic on the Internet. Thus, the potential audience is ready, and this expectation is both to generate some buzz about your company, products and services!

Social media is a content generated by users and blogs, podcasts, Facebook, Twitter, LinkedIn, del.icio.us, YouTube, cooperation, such as Wikipedia, as well as hundreds more!). The main objective of these tools in a corporate environment follows loyal fans regularly during a conversation with them the good relations.You can use these relationships to drive sales, understanding more potential customers of your relationship with your customers, competitors and industry manage your reputation and improve your website rankings in search engine, here are seven simple steps to start...

Define your target audience and determine what the social media are the most appropriate platform (Facebook, Twitter and LinkedIn is recommended as a starting point, some blogs are specific to the sector). Develop a clear strategy on how, when and why you and your community, as well as the cooperation will be how you want to increase the audience. Spend some time in the work of two users of social media and how to create your own conversations in this will be included. From Twitter to get an idea of what competition and speaks more of your industry. If you select the individual / organization to manage, you start the community, as well as in many cases, it is likely that you will comply with the rear. As each tweet, you can contact only 140 characters and the transfer of your personality, as well as the management of the conversation topics discussed. Create a Facebook page for businesses and save a large amount of information about the company, along with photos, videos and anything else that might contribute to the strengthening of its position. Let your twitter fans know that you are a Facebook page and suggest that become a fan. You can also consider Facebook PPC ads to generate interest and page in the first stades.Blog site when you create new blog posts you can write, and links to them through Twitter and Facebook, you know, generate more traffic to your site and let your community that you have a reliable source of specific information.create a profile on LinkedIn, and linking up with past and present, friends, colleagues, family and anyone who would be beneficial to your corpnet to the strategy.to regularly update your profiles, be prepared to respond to reports of the other and establish yourself as a leader in your industry.

Use the following procedure, you need to quickly create a community of people interested in your company and the things you have the parole.durée exceeds the limit, it is possible for more sites and applications that you want to add to the list, but be sure to include in the plan, the total social media, as this will help to ensure a coherent and integrated approach.

Why is social networking so popular?

I am that you are familiar with the Internet. Why networks social networking sites such as Twitter, Facebook, MySpace and? Certainly, you know or have heard of. These Web pages to create a special and large communities. The common case of this kind of Web pages is that people from different cultures and ideas are collected, not to mention the location and different languages. This is the person, "said if you do not have Facebook, Twitter, LinkedIn and thus on the account, you did exist on the Internet of especially if the company is run.

I thought the media sociaux.Et website popularity if you have these sites already present in their popularity.

The popularity of these Web pages is held that they are easy to use, all types of applications and free games are played with friends.

The comfort of new friends and share your photos, video and moods did not know that this space of social gathering, it should be particularly. You can learn at a time when you socialize. Requires only a few times until you see your attention and ask the person how he is y?

These Web pages are also easy to use and free.Although some of these fees, but not as popular social sites.This is perhaps one of the main reasons.

You can also your friend who is not yet on the site and to maintain contact with better invite.

Seen sites for social networking, I have to be paid to say that not all users, this is not good... bad nouvelles.supprimer a website that people here just to make other types of false identity, or if you have a business, it is worth much mieux.Imaginez that users pay a monthly rent, so there are already users buy online services and products, which means much of the company.

In the profile, hobbies, interests, pictures and plus.Il is true that there are people who choose to hide your profile for the public and share them with your friends only.

Before the installation of social networking page, you can have people on the chat.vous, however, knows its identity with, or the same sex.

Drumroll Please - Facebook Added a Spam Filter

While online checking my Gmail account earlier, I took a few minutes get on my Facebook page to update my status which is usually done at least twice daily. While on my Facebook fan page I noticed this banner at the top of the page saying:

"Facebook is now helping Page admins ensure that the most valuable content posted by users on their Page wall is more visible to anyone viewing the Page. We are now offering automatic content filtering on Page walls that will ensure that posts soliciting spam are removed from public view as well as ensure that posts containing good content remain more visible."

This spam filter is still in its test stage on Facebook Pages and I can see why Facebook decided to start the application there. If a person comes across a business page that say has 20,000 likes, all they have to do is click like and then see if that page allows you to post on the fan page. Most page owners allows that is it allows their users to interact with them. The spammer then post his link on the page then move on to the next page and does the same. I know that had to be a problem because on numerous pages that have a huge followings, I've noticed spammy self promotion and sometimes I go on the site days later I still see the spammers post still on the page

As a person who has an established business as well as an established Gmail account, I literally spend at least 15 minutes more than I should going through the hundreds of emails I get daily. Sorting out which ones I need to reply to, I absolutely know first hand of the aggravation of going through spam to find my messages.

Fortunately 15 minutes is far shorter that about a year ago taking 30 to 40 minutes using another email service before I moved my business email accounts to Gmail. I've been impressed so far as Google has been aggressively fighting spam for their millions of Gmail users and bringing down their delivery of spam through their system to less that 1 percent which is remarkable.

According to Google: "Gmail users play an important role in keeping spammy messages out of millions of inboxes. When the Gmail community votes with their clicks to report a particular email as spam, our system quickly learns to start blocking similar messages. The more spam the community marks, the smarter our system becomes."

With over 550 million users, according to Facebook by the end of 2011 they are estimating that there will be a billion Facebook users, this had to be top priority. I wouldn't be surprised that their system will be modeled closely to how Google's Gmail operates.

The spam feature is only available to Facebook pages users who allow users to post comments but this new feature is a great step to nip that behavior in the bud and help keep the integrity of their users brands as well as a clean more polished and professional organized image.